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7th Nordic-Baltic Bariatric Meeting

Scientific program

17:00–18:00Registration and exhibition
18:00–18:05Welcome to Turku
prof. Paulina Salminen, Turku, Finland
18:05–18:55Nordic MBS and discussion
Sweden (Magnus Sundbom), Norway (Jon Kristinsson), Denmark (Andrea Floyd), Iceland (Hjörtur Gislasson), Baltic countries (Ilmar Kaur, Estonia), the Netherlands (Simon Nienhuijs), Finland (Mervi Javanainen)
18:55-19:10Nordic vitamin supplementation guidelines
Jorunn Sandvik, Norway
19:10–21:00Young researcher abstracts and discussion
Sweden: Suzanne Hedberg / Comparing demographics and perioperative results in the randomized trial BEST to general practice in Sweden
Norway: Monica Chalal-Kummen / 10 year outcomes after gastric bypass
Denmark: Maria Saur Svane /
Baltic countries: Matas Pažusis, Lithuania / GERD after RYBG: prevalence and risk factors
the Netherlands: Elena Bensi / Continuous glucose monitoring in patients with hypoglycemia after bariatric surgery: a retrospective study
Finland: Viiko Vahtera / The incidence of new-onset type 2 diabetes in patient after bariatric surgery and matched controls
21:00–22:00Tapas and networking
08:00–08:30Registration and exhibition
08:45–08:50Opening of the congress
prof. Paulina Salminen and Pipsa Peromaa-Haavisto, Finland
08:50–10:30Session I: Obesity is a chronic disease – new tools in the box
Pipsa Peromaa-Haavisto, Finland and Simon Nienhuijs, the Netherlands
Speaker presentation by Paulina Salminen
Key Note lecture (online presentation and live discussion): Obesity as a chronic disease (25+5 min)
prof. Rachel Batterham, UK
09:20–09:40IFSO Consensus 2023: Standardized definitions on obesity and MBS (15+5 min)
prof. Paulina Salminen, Finland
09:40–10:10Obesity Management Medications and surgery: 1+1>3 – How and when to use OMMs pre- and
postoperatively? IFSO Consensus 2024 (25+5)
prof. Kirsi Pietiläinen, Finland
10:10–10:30Panel and audience discussion: OMMs in the Nordic countries - another tool for also
for bariatric surgeons?
Moderators: Kirsi Pietiläinen, Finland and session chairs
Panelists: Kirsi Virtanen (Finland), Anne Penttilä (Finland), Torgeir Søvik (Norway), Andrea Floyd (Denmark)
10:30–11:00Coffee and exhibition
11:00–12:15Session II: How to assess MBS outcomes?
Magnus Sundbom, Sweden and Andrea Karen Floyd, Denmark
11:00–11:20SF-BARI Score (15+5)
prof. Paulina Salminen, Finland
11:20–11:45Validation of the SF-Bari Score in DATO and SoREG (20+5)
Floris Bruinsma, MD, the Netherlands
11:45–12:00SQOT initiative and the use of patient reported outcomes (PROMs) (10+5)
Ronald Liem, MD, the Netherlands
12:00–12:15International Consortium Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM): Core outcome
set for obesity (10+5)
Simon Nienhuijs, MD, PhD, the Netherlands
12:15-13:30Lunch and exhibition
13:30–14:45Session III: Challenges of the hiatus and new procedures – pro-con viewpoints with
EBM and discussion
Hjörtur Gislasson, Iceland and Jon Kristinsson, Norway
13:30–13:50Pro-con: SASI and Omega loop (5+5/10)
Pro SASI: Jon Kristinsson, MD, PhD, Norway & Pro OAGB: Maud Robert, MD, PhD,
13:50-14:10Pro-con: SADI-S –re-inventing duodenal switch? (5+5/10)
Pro: Hjörtur Gislasson & Con: Magnus Sundbom, Sweden
14:10-14:45EBM Hiatal hernia approach: (2 x 5+5 /15)
14:10-14:30Is hiatal hernia a contraindication for sleeve gastrectomy? (10+10)
Olli Helminen, MD, PhD, Finland
14:30-14:45Large hiatal hernia – is hiatoplasty enough with LRYGB? (10+5)
prof. Almantas Maleckas, Liethuania
14:45-15:15Coffee and exhibition
15:15-16:15Session IV: MBS: Cancer, NASH, and non-cardiovascular comorbidities
Paulina Salminen, Finland and Almantas Maleckas, Lithuania
15:15-15:45Speaker presentation by Paulina Salminen
Key Note lecture (online presentation and live discussion): Cancer: risk, prevalence
and mortality reduction (20+5)
prof. Ali Aminian, USA
15:45-16:10Key Note lecture (online presentation and live discussion): NASH – one of the most
common future indications from MBS? (20+5)
prof. Ali Aminian, USA
16:10-16:35Nephropathy and MBS – best indications, optimal results and optimal timing?
prof. Maria Eriksson-Svensson, Sweden
16:35-16:40Warm-up: Nordic MBS Championship teams
TEAMS: "North of the Baltic Sea": Torgeir Søvik (Norway), Risto Juusela (Finland), Carl-Magnus Broden (Sweden), Anne Juuti (Finland)
"South of the Baltic Sea" Almantas Maleckas (Lithuania), Ronald Liem (the Netherlands), Maria Saur Svane (Denmark) and Ilmar Kaur (Estonia)
16:40-17:45Nordic Championships: Who has the MBS dream team?
Moderator: Simon Nienhuijs, the Netherlands
Commentators: Hjörtur Gislasson, Iceland, Kirsi Pietiläinen, Finland, and Kirsi
Virtanen, Finland
Judges: Paulina Salminen, Finland, Magnus Sundbom, Sweden, and audience interactive voting
18:30-Conference dinner
08:30–09:45Session V: MBS in adolescents – increasing the access to treatment in the Nordic countries
Chairs: Torsten Olbers, Sweden and Paulina Salminen, Finland
08:30–09:00Long-term results of metabolic bariatric surgery in adolescents and optimal
multidisciplinary team requirements for MBS in adolescents
Kajsa Järvholm, Sweden
09:00-09:20Sleeve vs. bypass in adolecents – what do we know about the procedure choice?
prof. Torsten Olbers, Sweden
09:20-9:45Panel discussion: MBS in adolescents and guidelines in general – how to implement
this in the Nordic countries? Nordic RCT?
Panelists: associate professor of psychology Kajsa Järvholm, Sweden, professor of
pediatric endocrinology Harri Niinikoski, Finland, Pipsa Peromaa-Haavisto, Finland, Almantas Maleckas, Lithuania,
and Simon Nienhuijs, Netherlands
09:45-10:15Coffee and exhibition
10:20-12:15Session VI: Optimal procedure selection and LRYGB limb lengths – EBM?
Ronald Liem, MD and Anne Juuti, Finland
10:20-10:45Sleeve-Bypass trial 5-year results (20+5)
Ulas Biter, MD, the Netherlands
10:45-11:10BEST trial 2-year results (20+5)
prof. Torsten Olbers, MD, PhD, Sweden
11:10-11:35Optimal limb lengths in LRYGB – EBM?(20+5)
Kamran Shah, MD, Sweden
11:35-12:005-year outcomes of one-anastomosis gastric bypass: the YOMEGA randomized trial (20+5)
Maud Robert, MD, PhD, France
12:10-12:15Feedback and closing remarks
prof. Paulina Salminen, Finland
12:15-13:30End of day 3: Takeaway lunch

Program is subject to changes.