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7th Nordic-Baltic Bariatric Meeting

Local organising committee

Organising committee

Paulina Salminen, MD, PhD
Department of Surgery, University of TurkuDivision of Digestive Surgery and Urology, Turku University Hospital

Pipsa Peromaa-Haavisto, MD, PhD
Department of Surgery, Tays Hatanpää, Tampere University Hospital

Eeva-Liisa Sävelä, MD
Gastrosurgeon, Satasairaala hospital, Pori

Mervi Javanainen, MD, PhD
HUS, Helsinki

Anne Penttilä, MD, PhD
Bariatric surgeon, Helsinki University Hospital (Jorvi Hospital)


Scientific program

If you have questions regarding the scientific program, please contact

Registration and practical details

If you have any questions regarding registration, accommodation, or the social program, please contact Aboa Events:


A commercial exhibition will also take place during the NBBM2024 -Meeting. If you are interested in taking part as an exhibitor or sponsor, please contact for more information.